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日期:2023年08月31日 19:04来源: 作者: 关注:

姓名:王舒禹,性别:男,出生年月:1991.06学位:博士,职称:副教授,导师类型:硕士导师,项目博士导师, 海外引进人才。







2009.09-2013.06 华中科技大学

2013.08-2017.08 纽约州立大学石溪分校(SUNY Stony Brook University),师从Prof. Lei Zuo


2017.09-2018.12 Gloabalfoundries(芯片制造公司)高级工程师



American Journal of Artificial Intelligence 编委成员

Micromachines、 JoVE客座编辑并举办专栏


IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Neural Processing Letters,Sensors等SCI期刊审稿人



1. 国自然青年项目,基于超低热导微腔体的高精密单细胞热传感方法研究,主持

2. 中央引导地方项目,用于凝胶压感、热感模态解耦的深度算子网络研究,主持

3. 中央高校基本业务费,超低热导的高精密细胞热传感方法研究研究,主持





2022年 Wiley Open Science Excellent Autho Program Award,开放科学优秀作者奖获得者,(论文下载量位居AIS期刊前五)

2022年 RICAI学术会议最佳口头汇报奖

2022年 永利官网平台优秀毕业设计指导教师

2021年 互联网+创新创业大赛省银奖指导老师

2021年 河北省大中学生科技创新能力项目指导教师

2020年 创新创业大赛指导老师获校级第二名

2019年 双语教学竞赛校第一名

2014年 ASME travel award

2013年 Stony Brook University scholarship award


在国外知名期刊发表论文二十余篇。总引用300余次,h index 11。



1. S. Wang*, H. Tang, Y. Zhao, and L. Zuo, "BayeStab: Predicting effects of mutations on protein stability with uncertainty quantification," Protein Sci.,31, p. e4467, (2022).(IF 8.0)

2. S. Wang*, H. Tang, P. Shan, Z. Wu, and L. Zuo, "ProS-GNN: Predicting effects of mutations on protein stability using graph neural networks," Comput. Biol. Chem.,107, p. 107952, (2023).

3. S. Wang* and Z. Sun, "Hydrogel and Machine Learning for Soft Robots’Sensing and Signal Processing: A Review," J. Bionic Eng.,(2022).

4. S. Wang*, Z. Sun, S. Duan, Y. Zhao, X. Sha, S. Yu, and L. Zuo, "A Hydrogel-Based Self-Sensing Underwater Actuator," inMicromachines. vol. 13, 2022.

5. Sun, Z.;Wang, S*.; etal:Discriminating soft actuators’thermal stimuli and mechanical deformation by hydrogel sensors and machine learning. Advanced Intelligent Systems 2022;n/a:2200089. (IF 7.4)

6. S. Yu, Y. Wu,S. Wang, M. Siedler, P.M. Ihnat, D.I. Filoti, M. Lu and L. Zuo, Biosensors, vol. 12, 2022

7. Lv, X.;Wang, S*.; Shan, P.; Zhao, Y.; Zuo, L., A machine learning based method for automatic differential scanning calorimetry signal analysis.Measurement 2022,187, 110218. (IF 5.6)

8. Lv, X.;Wang, S*.; Zhao, Y.; Shan, P., A reinforcement learning based method for protein’s differential scanning calorimetry signal separation.Measurement 2022,188, 110391.(IF 5.6)

9. S. Wang*, Z. Sun, Y. Zhao and L. Zuo, A highly stretchable hydrogel sensor for soft robot multi-modal perception, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (2021) 113006. (IF4.6)

10. S., W*.; Z., Z.; Y., Z.; L., Z., A Variational Autoencoder Enhanced Deep Learning Model for Wafer Defect Imbalanced Classification.IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 2021, 1-1.

11. Wang, S*.; Shan, P.; Zhao, Y.; Zuo, L., GanDTI: A multi-task neural network for drug-target interaction prediction.Comput Biol Chem 2021,92, 107476.

12. Wang, S*.; Lv, X.; Yu, S.; Hua, J., Design and optimization of a chip calorimeter for cell metabolism detection.Microsystem Technologies 2020.

13. Wang, S.; Sha, X.; Yu, S.; Zhao, Y., Nanocalorimeters for biomolecular analysis and cell metabolism monitoring.Biomicrofluidics 2020,14, (1), 011503.

14. Yu, S.; Wu, Y.;Wang, S.; Lu, M.; Zuo, L., Thermodynamic analysis of a MEMS based differential scanning calorimeter model.Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 2019,291, 150-155.

15. Wang, S.; Yu, S.; Siedler, M.; Ihnat, P.M.; Filoti, D.I.; Lu, M.; Zuo, L., A power compensated differential scanning calorimeter for protein stability characterization.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2018,256, 946-952. (IF 8.4)

16. Yu, S.;Wang, S.; Lu, M.; Zuo, L., A novel polyimide based micro heater with high temperature uniformity.Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 2017,257, 58-64.

17. Wang, S.; Yu, S.; Lu, M.; Zuo, L., Microfabrication of plastic-PDMS microfluidic devices using polyimide release layer and selective adhesive bonding.J Micromech Microeng 2017,27, (5), 055015.

18. Yu, S.; Wang, S.; Lu, M.; Zuo, L., Review of MEMS differential scanning calorimetry for biomolecular study.Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering 2017,12, (4), 526-538. (IF 4.528)

19. Wang, S.; Yu, S.; Lu, M.; Liu, M.; Zuo, L., Atomic Layer-Deposited Titanium-Doped Vanadium Oxide Thin Films and Their Thermistor Applications.J Electron Mater 2017,46, (4), 2153-2157.

20. Yu, S.;Wang, S.; Lu, M.; Zuo, L., A metal-insulator transition study of VO2 thin films grown on sapphire substrates.J Appl Phys 2017,122, (23), 235102.

21. Wang, S.; Yu, S.; Siedler, M.S.; Ihnat, P.M.; Filoti, D.I.; Lu, M.; Zuo, L., Micro-differential scanning calorimeter for liquid biological samples.Rev Sci Instrum 2016,87, (10), 105005.


1.一种用于细胞代谢热检测的开放式微纳量热计系统[P]: 中国.202110746385.6

2.面向超大规模集成电路生产线的自动化晶圆缺陷模式识别系统:中国. 2021SR0832963,2021-06-04





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